1979/1984 – CAN PLAN Wgtn
CAN PLAN Wgtn is purchased by Michael’s father Graeham (Bing) and his partners Rod and Tony offering a 44 gallon drum rubbish collection service

1994 – 240 Litre WheeliBINs introduced
To increase efficiency, in 1994 CAN PLAN Wgtn replace the drum service with the introduction of a 240 Litre wheeliBIN rental service

1996 – CAN PLAN Nelson founded
Michael moves to Nelson and follows in his father’s footsteps by starting CAN PLAN Nelson Ltd as sole shareholder/director.
The first service offered is the Red Service 240 Litre wheeliBIN rental. To support Nelson locally Michael donates a free wheeliBIN to every kindergarten in CAN PLAN Nelsons collection zone, this support continues to the present day.
Starting with just one truck Michael would collect waste most days although on Saturdays would often be seen at the iconic Nelson Market selling his service to locals.
All calls and administration are directed through Can Plan Wgtn while Michael is on the road during the day – a HUGE thanks to Graeham, Rod and Tony!!

1998 – CAN PLAN Wgtn changes name to The WheeliBIN Company
Due to the success of the wheeliBIN service in Wgtn CAN PLAN Wgtn changes its name to The WheeliBIN Company

1998 – The WheeliBIN Company Wgtn introduces Black Lid Service
The Black Lid Service, (similar to CAN PLAN Nelsons Blue Service) is introduced in Wellington with 120 Litre wheeliBINs and large skips available.

1999 – CAN PLAN Nelson First Newsletter, 65litre bags, Blue Service & TDC Contract
CAN PLAN’s first newsletter is sent out to customers, the first of many informing customers of the service, staff profiles and handy tips.
Due to popular demand 65 litre bag sales and collections are introduced.
With the success of the Black Lid Service in Wellington, CAN PLAN Nelson follows suit with the Blue Lid Service with liners only in Nelson, customers can now buy their own bin and pay for collections as and when required, encouraging recycling through a user pays system and in turn less waste to landfill.
After a lot of hard work and determination, CAN PLAN Nelson is awarded the Tasman District Council rubbish bag contract for the next six years.
CAN PLAN Nelson open their first office in rental storage sheds in Green Street in Tahunanui and Michael becomes part time on the trucks.

2000 – The WheeliBIN Company Wgtn sells, Skips and Logo change
Michael’s father and his partners sell The WheeliBIN Company in Wellington.
CAN PLAN Nelson establish an office and yard base at 28 Forests Road.
In order to compliment his already popular Red and Blue Services, Michael introduces 4m3 skip hire. This marks the beginning of CAN PLAN Nelson moving into the commercial waste collection industry.
The new millennium also brings changes to our Logo which sees the removal of the seagull, a thing of the past from the tip face. We also introduce Eftpos and a web site!

2002 – Another skip size introduced and blue service tags
With the success of the 4m3 skips over the past two years we introduce a 7m3 skip to offer our customers more options.
We also add tags to the blue service which proves to be the preferred choice with our customers to date.

2003 – More commercial bins and another logo change
CAN PLAN Nelson starts an 1100 Litre bin service which quickly becomes popular with a lot of small to medium businesses around Nelson.
CAN PLAN add a brand new Iveco Heil compactor truck to their fleet.
We change our logo to a cleaner more modern look to match the logos on our bins.
CAN PLAN move into their new larger offices and yard round the corner at 23 Forests Road where we are based to this day.

2004 – Business Award
CAN PLAN Nelson was proud to be the recipient of the Nelson Tasman Chamber of Commerce Medium Business Award.

2006 – New Compactor Trucks and More FM Beach Days
To upgrade from our old fleet, new NZ Trucks with new Japanese compactors are introduced.
CAN PLAN become a regular major sponsor of the famous Tahunanui Beach Days which include wheeliBIN races, heaps of prizes and a fantastic day out for the whole family.

2007 – More Commercial bins
A new 3m3 front loading bin is introduced for commercial use.

2009 – Recycling and another logo change
CAN PLAN Nelson introduce its new Commercial Cardboard Recycling Service. In light of this and the changing times we update our logo wording from Rubbish to Waste

2010 – Best Service, Best Price Guarantee, new website and Organic Recycling
Michael stands by his previous "match any competitor's price" policy and offers the "Michael Boocock Best Service, Best Price Guarantee".
After ten years its time to upgrade the web site, work begins.
We also broaden our recycling range by introducing Organic Recycling Skips; these are showcased along with our bio bags at both the Nelson Ecofest and Nelson Home & Garden Show.

2011 – Commercial Recycling Service expands, New Website launch
To show our ongoing commitment to the environment, CAN PLAN Nelson expands their Commercial Recycling Service into collection of plastics, cans, tins and paper.
After a year in the making, we launch our new web site and introduce new services like, new customers ordering bins, ordering tags and liners online, online credit card payment, change bin size, change address and search collection day to name a few.