Frequently asked questions

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q: CAN PLANs bank Account Number

A: ASB Bank 12-3165-0214844-00 Use your Last Name and Customer ID as reference. If these are not shown on our bank statement your payment might not be processed.


Q: How do I know what size wheeliBIN and type of service will suit me?

A: It is a good idea to rent a redBIN for 3 months and if you are finding you don’t fill your redBIN up every week it may be a good idea to change to the blueBIN.


Q: What wheeliBIN size will best fit my household?

A: The 120 litre redBIN is generally used for households of under three people and the 240 litre are used for households with three or more people.


Q: How can I pre-order tags or liners for my blueBIN

A: Place your order by 4:00pm on the business day prior to your collection and we will put them in your letterbox when we empty your blueBIN.


Q: With the blueBINS, who owns it?

A: The customer owns the blueBINs if they use the Blue (own) Service. The Red Service (Rent) redBINs are owned by CAN PLAN


Q: What can and can’t go in your greenBIN and jadeBIN?




Grass clippings - Half full only
Shrubs & prunings
Twigs & small branches
Leaves & flowers
Weeds, cabbage trees, palm fronds
Toi Toi, yacca, Old man's beard & bambo
Bark & sawdust shavings from untreated wood

Flax cut into 300mm


General rubbish

Plastics, metals, glass, nappies

Stones, rubble & soil
Pesticides, herbicides & fungicides
Gorse & branches that are thicker then 10cm in diameter


Q: Does my bin still get emptied on public holidays?

A: Our drivers collect EVERY Public Holiday, except Christmas Day, New Years Day and Good Friday. If your collection falls on any of these days you will be notified in advance of the alternative day.


Q: What are your office hours?

A: 8.30am – 5:00pm Weekdays – we are closed Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays


Bin Dimensions (some dimensions may differ)





120 Litre




240 Litre




660 Litre




1100 Litre




3m3 Frontload




4.5m3 Frontload




4.5m3 Skip




7.5m3 Skip




Skip truck height = 2.400


 Q: Who is responsible for cleaning my wheeliBIN?

A: The customer.


To keep your wheeliBIN clean

  • Use supermarket bags for messy waste.

  • If grass clippings are going in the bin, place newspapers at the bottom to stop grass from sticking

  • A light spray of cooking oil can help to keep your bin clean.

  • Drop a few pieces of lavender into your bin to reduce odours

  • A hose out once in a while is generally all that is required

Handy Tips and Forms

Conditions of Use

Q: Why do i keep my lid closed

A:Please ensure your bin lid is closed & skips are not filled past the top - lightweight items sitting near the top of the WheeliBIN can litter the road in strong winds, much to the annoyance of other residents.

Q: How heavy can i load my skip or wheeliBIN?

A: WheeliBINs and Skips are not suitable for earth or rubble: (except “Hardfill Only” skips) OR ANY RUBBISH WHICH IS TOO HEAVY FOR THE HOIST TO LIFT. As a rule of thumb, if you struggle to the kerbside we probably will not be able to move it.

Weight limit: 120L = 40kg, 240L = 70kg, 660L = 90kg, 1100L = 150kg

Q: What can’t I put in my wheeliBIN?

A: We do not collect: earth, rubble, (weight limits on the back of invoices) substances or chemicals of a flammable, hazardous, toxic or explosive nature or any substance that requires special handling - this includes PCB’S, CAR TYRES, BATTERIES, PAINT OR GAS BOTTLES OR LIVE AMMUNITION.

Q: When do i put puty my wheeliBIN out

A: Your wheeliBIN must be at the KERBSIDE by 7.00am on the day of collection or the night before when requested.
If earlier, you will be informed when ordering your WheeliBIN. WheeliBINs will normally be picked up at approximately the same time each collection day, but there can be variables - mostly out of our control.
After weather many WheeliBINs are full to capacity. This means our trucks up a lot quicker, requiring more visits to the council tip, thus slowing our collection scheduleA puncture or breakdown, whilst rare, will delay collection

Bins and Skips remain the property of CAN PLAN.

No third party contractors are allowed to service or handle the without prior permission from CAN PLAN.

CAN PLAN reserves the right to charge debt collection costs for overdue accounts and stolen bins.

No refunds are given

Handy Tips and Forms